After staring at this in my desk drawer for weeks, I am finally figuring out what I could say.
I found Maddy's character sheet in one of the many many folders of a forever DM. This was one was from a brief appearance Maddy made in my first campaign that I was running over the summer. He had come up to Seattle to visit for the weekend and what better way to introduce him to my friends than through a not so subtle betrayal only foreshadowed by deft, understated acting and the evil alignment on his character sheet.
After figuring out how DM somewhat competently, Maddy became a fixture in our campaign for the final years at Cal Poly. I always noticed aspects of my friends' personalities in their characters. Maddy's character was a gregarious, angelic buff paladin with long flowing hair, a knack for being flirtatious at the best (and worst) times, and constantly participating in morning calisthenics. I think the aspects of his personality in that character were self evident.
I was excited when I found this while moving. I had just moved out of my parent's house in Seattle right when Maddy moved up to Redmond. I was going to present this to him as a welcoming gift after he somehow talked me into DMing a campaign. I think I was more excited for the new adventures that we were going to have up here. Just like you dragged me into a new D&D adventure, I was looking forward to all the adventures you were going to drag me into in a city I grew up in but I knew you would find some magical spots that I never noticed before.
I am going to try to make people's lives better just like we planned on doing and you did so often. I wish I could say more but the words aren't enough. Your light shines on.